Pick A Profession
Find The Career of a Lifetime
When you sign up to conduct a meeting with a professional, it is always beneficial to be prepared with questions. Here is a list of possible questions you could ask...
Skills required:
What general skills are required?
What personality traits and professional characteristics are expected?
What do you reccomend to be most prepared for this position?
What type of education and training prepared you for this career field?
What types of summer jobs or internships should I seek out as I continue my education?
What classes did you take in high school/ college that prepared you for your job?
Did you have to interview, take any tests, complete an internship or apprenticeship for this position?
What kind of technical knowledge is required for this job?
Is time spent outside of work on training or development?
How do I find out about internships/job openings in this field?
Personal opinions related to job:
What made person choose job?
What do they wish they had known before starting the job?
What advice do you have for someone considering this career?
How did you know this was the right career for you?
Did you consider any other careers?
Are you passionate about your career? What makes you passionate about your career?
What types of things were you interested in during high school?
How did you get your current job?
What do you like most about your job?
What do you like least about your job?
What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your job?
How much does this career and job affect your personal life?
What other careers or industries could you work in with your education and experience?
How has technology changed this career?
How has the economy affected this career?
If the work you do was suddenly eliminated, what different kinds of work do you feel you could do?
Is there anything else that I have not seen today or that we have not talked about that you think is important for me to know as I continue my search for the ideal career for me?
Assessing The Employer:
How long have you worked for this employer?
What is the opportunity for advancement at this company?
How/Why did you choose this employer to work for?
How does your employer differ from its competitors?
What do you like most about working for this employer?
What's the most valuable reward you receive from this job?
What's the biggest stumbling block you see with younger job-seekers?
How did you become interested in this type of work?
Why did you choose this career?
How did you get your job with this company?
How does your job affect your time away from work?
How did you prepare yourself for this work?
What type of setting, hours, atmosphere, etc. can be expected?
What obligation does this type of work place upon you outside of the ordinary work week?
What types of employers hire people in this field?
Do people normally move to another company/organization or do they move up in the company/organization?
Day Schedule:
What does a typical day require? What are the specific duties and responsibilities?
How much of your day is spent behind a desk? Out in the field?
How much are you required to work outside normal business hours?
How much flexibility do you have in terms of hours of work, dress, vacation, etc.?
What choices do you have in making your work schedule?
Do you work a shift?
Are certain times of the month or year busier than other times?
What kinds of things are you required to do as part of your job?
Do you have to depend on others in order to accomplish your job?
Do you take work home?
Future for job:
How would you describe or estimate future prospects?
How rapidly is the present career field growing?
What do you see as the biggest changes in your field that will happen in the future?
How are technology demands increasing or changing?
Money related:
What are the salary ranges for different levels in this field?
What types of fringe benefits are offered to you for your job?
How are "raises" earned?
What is the average starting salary?
What are the salaries for experienced workers?
How much do salaries vary in this career according to the employer, region, or industry?